Ah yes. So this one is a compilation of a bunch of fun tidbits that I gathered over the last few years. Few attributions as I forget where I got them:
- Google is becoming the DOS prompt for the internet
- Strong virality means you NEED the other guy to have it (think the telephone)
- Weak virality means you like it so much you tell others (think the iPod)
- RFCs (internet procotol specs) were named RFCs because they were mostly written by grad students while waiting for the professionals to show up (request for comments)
- Mozilla is named such because Andreesen and Clark dreamed up a company (Netscape) that would beat the Mosaic browser: hence a MOSaic godZILLA
- Remember geocities, broadcast.com, altavista, icq, inktomi (as yahoo results), netscape communicator... and even before... Gopher, bbs's, anarchie, lynx...
- Dialup modems with their whirrrrr, beep, beep, brrrrrr.... zzzz.....
- Installing software using floppys disk... and even before that, using cassette tapes!!